Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  1. Nature and use of the website

    This website (“the site”) is the property of, and is published on the Internet by, CHAMPION HEALTH CARE (PTY LTD) (“CHAMPION HEALTH CARE”). The site is intended to provide an overview of the businesses of CHAMPION HEALTH CARE, its subsidiaries (including but not limited to CHAMPION HEALTH CARE) and its associated companies (together “the RR Group of Companies”). Access to and use of the site or any information it contains is subject to the terms set out in this notice (“the terms”). By signifying your acceptance of the terms, you represent that you have full legal capacity to agree to be bound by them, and your access to the site will be granted in reliance on that representation. If you are unwilling to agree to the terms, or do not have the capacity to do so, you are not entitled to access the site or to view or use any information it contains. The benefits of the terms extend to each of the RR Group of Companies without notice of acceptance, which you are deemed to have waived.

  2. Disclaimer of liability

You should not assume that the information contained on the site is necessarily current or complete. While it is CHAMPION HEALTH CARE intention to provide accurate and up-to-date information about the RR Group of Companies on the site, it gives no undertaking in that regard, and by your acceptance of the terms you exempt the RR Group of Companies from liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the site. Should you wish to rely on anything appearing on the site, you should contact the relevant RR Group Company for written confirmation of it.

  1. Copyright

Save as noted next, the contents of the site are the copyright of CHAMPION HEALTH CARE, and all its rights are reserved. The copyright in certain material contained on the site (including but not limited to certain logos and other graphics), may be the property of other of the RR Group of Companies, and they too reserve all rights in that regard.

  1. Use of information

    The material contained on the site is made available solely for information purposes and may not be used for commercial purposes or in any way incorporated into anyone else’s material, whether published on the Internet or not. Reproduction in any form without the prior written permission of CHAMPION HEALTH CARE is prohibited.

  1. Risk of using the site

Access to and use of the site is entirely at your own risk. Without in any way limiting the scope or generality of that term, CHAMPION HEALTH CARE makes no representation and gives no warranty that such access or use, including but not limited to copying or downloading anything from the site or otherwise interacting with the site, will not affect the operation of your system, whether by reason of malicious conduct by others or otherwise.

  1. Dispute resolution

The proper law of the contract resulting from your acceptance of the terms is the law of the Republic of South Africa. By accepting the terms, you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court at Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa